Burkina Faso: Pan-Africanist Khalid Chafaqui says no to President Akufo-Addo’s plan to stir up trouble

The Pan-Africanist Khalid Chafaqui, after the disapproval of the Burkinabe authorities following the assertions of the Ghanaian President, according to which Burkina Faso called upon the Wagner group in the fight against terrorism, deplores the attitude of the assertion of President Akufo-Addo, which could lead to serious consequences on the relations of Faso with its partners.

The pan-Africanist Khalid CHAFAQUI, asks the Burkinabe in this case the authorities to take to heart and seriously this case to avoid such discrimination and insulting words against the country in reconstruction with the efforts of the President of the MPSR.

“And to the Burkinabe citizen who understands the meaning of solidarity, it is the moment to prove once again his love to the country by mobilizing and say no to these zizanias who want to sow panic and turn their idea on the fight they are leading,” said the pan-Africanist Khalid CHAFAQUI, calling on the Burkinabe people.

According to the leader CHAFAQUI, if there is an open collaboration between Burkina and the Wagner group, it is up to the Burkinabe authorities to make the information public. But to state just to state is a manipulation to disturb public order. The Ghanaian President’s comments cast doubt on the cooperation of the Accra initiative.

Mr. CHAFAQUI commended the bravery of the high authorities of Burkina Faso in the face of this situation and called on President Akufo-Addo to take responsibility for his actions.

As a reminder, during the US-Africa summit, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo claimed that Ouagadougou had made a deal with the Russian group Wagner. The remarks were described by the Burkinabe authorities as “very serious”.

We listened to the Ghanaian ambassador and informed him of the government’s position, which considers the remarks made by a head of state, and moreover by a friendly and neighbouring country, to be very serious,” said the Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré.

Miss OLY