Côte d’Ivoire: Behind the scenes of the ban on alcoholic energy drinks

The recent ban on alcoholic energy drinks in Côte d’Ivoire has sparked debates that extend beyond the initially cited public health concerns.


While authorities cite health protection as the primary rationale, a closer analysis suggests underlying economic dynamics may also be at play.


These beverages, increasingly popular among youth and nightlife enthusiasts, have faced relentless criticism, often from commercial competitors seeking to sway public opinion.


Media campaigns against these products have heavily emphasized health concerns, highlighting their potential impact on consumers’ health, especially among the young.


However, beneath this facade of public concern, a more complex picture emerges where economic rivalries and commercial interests appear to partly influence this decision.


Influential economic players, aiming to safeguard their market share, have actively fueled critical discourse against these drinks, using health arguments as a tool in intense competitive battles.


As a result, the ban on these products could be seen as an example where economic and commercial stakes directly influence regulation and public policy, even under the noble pretext of public health.

This raises questions about the independence of regulatory decisions and the need for greater transparency in the decision-making process.

Sherif Touré