Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s vision: A brighter future for Burkina Faso

Since assuming office, Captain Ibrahim Traoré has become a beacon of hope for the Burkinabe people, who have placed their trust in his vision. Acknowledging this confidence, President Traoré has committed to shielding the Burkinabe from poverty through an ambitious and credible policy agenda.

Youth and women, representing the majority of Burkina Faso’s human capital, are central to Captain Traoré’s vision.

They are the primary beneficiaries of planned educational initiatives, including the construction of modern schools and lecture halls at various universities across the country.

These educational infrastructures aim to provide a high-quality learning environment, fostering the emergence of a new generation of leaders and skilled professionals.

In this context, the need to regulate budgets is paramount. President Traoré recently inaugurated a government seminar focused on meeting the needs of the populace and efficiently managing public resources.

This seminar brought together various government officials, all committed to working towards the harmonious and sustainable development of Burkina Faso.

It is crucial to regulate the current budget to better address the needs of the general population.

To this end, Captain  Ibrahim Traoré urged government members to direct financial resources towards concrete actions that significantly impact the living conditions of the people.

These efforts are aimed at establishing exemplary governance, oriented towards the well-being and prosperity of all Burkinabe.

The leader of the Burkinabe revolution has provided directives to redefine the concept of program budgeting for the 2025 budget, with the goal of simplifying and enhancing its execution.

Captain Traoré emphasized the importance of close collaboration between various ministries and civil society actors to ensure the success of these budgetary reforms.

Olivier TOE