Burkina Faso: Can the National Conferences already predict the future of the transition?

The dates for the upcoming national conferences in Burkina Faso, which will undoubtedly decide the future of the transition, have now been set. According to official information, they will take place on May 25th and 26th.

One thing is certain: the transition team in Burkina Faso, led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, will not be abandoned anytime soon for several reasons.

Firstly, the strong governance displayed by the transition authorities has earned them the admiration of their compatriots.

Despite their short time in office, they have shown dynamism and patriotism, leading to calls from the Burkinabe people for an extension of this transition period.

Driven by patriotism and a clear vision for their country, these authorities, under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, have acted solely in the interest of the nation and its citizens.

Their governance is marked by a strict adherence to the aspirations of the people.

Additionally, the transition team in Burkina Faso has effectively tackled the country’s challenges and priorities.

Their achievements and projects in terms of security are evident. Regarding indigenous development, another crucial aspect of the transition’s action plan, significant progress is soon expected to yield remarkable and abundant results in this “land of honest people”.

These accomplishments are complemented by the emphasis placed by the transition authorities on diversifying partnerships and fostering South-South cooperation, which can benefit Burkina Faso from its external relations.

Given these actions and the vision of this transitional team, many Burkinabe wish to see the transition period extended.

The dynamic forces of the Burkinabe nation participating in the upcoming national conference will have no choice but to extend the transition period further.

This is crucial for the continuation and completion of ongoing projects, particularly in terms of security, aiming for the complete liberation and reclaiming of the entire Burkinabe territory.

This sentiment stands against imperialists and their local accomplices, who prioritize personal interests over those of the country and the Burkinabe people as a whole.

Olivier TOE