Burkina Faso: Minister Issouf SIRIMA, a dedicated youth leader

Mr. Issouf SIRIMA, the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment of Burkina Faso, is not very well known to the general public but his actions, especially towards youth, since he took office, have attracted the attention of Burkinabè.

Despite his title of Minister, Mr. Issouf SIRIMA, is always on the field to be better aware of the needs of his target in order to effectively honour his commitments as he stated on the day of his installation in office.

Humble by nature, the Minister of Youth did not hide his willingness to learn from his collaborators by proudly stating: “you will be my teachers and I count on you to put me back on the right track, if I mess up.

Under his leadership, the youth of Burkina Faso feel considered, whether in sports, education or employment. Present at all the activities organised by his institution, a sign of a leader ready for development.

Speaking of education, Minister Issouf SIRIMA chaired a forum on pre-school, primary and non-formal education in the Cascades region following the poor school results of the past few years.

His competence and determination enabled him to be elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the African Centre for Management and Executive Development (CAMPC) during the 37th ordinary session of CAMPC. Minister Issouf SIRIMA, will have the task of working on the development of the capacities and the reinforcement of the competences of African executives.

In the ranks of the VDPs, the Minister in charge of youth lined up. A man of his word, Mr. SIRIMA, kept his word to roll up his sleeves as a volunteer for the defence of the fatherland. A gesture to set a good example for a senior official of a department in charge of youth. The appeal is therefore launched to young people who are still hesitant to commit themselves to defend the country in the grip of the terrorist hydra, to follow in the footsteps of the minister.

Miss OLY