Togo / The Togolese National Police: An unwavering commitment to public safety

At the heart of the mission of the Togolese National Police lies an unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the population. A recent example of this steadfast dedication manifested on December 22 and 28, 2023, when the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) successfully orchestrated the arrest of two individuals suspected of a shocking murder.

The events highlight the constant vigilance of the Togolese national police and their dedication to maintaining tranquility within the Togolese community.

The suspects, identified as C. Alain Patrick Wossonato, a retired Burkinabe gendarme aged 36, and T. Merveil, a 22-year-old Togolese student, were apprehended through the effective collaboration of the national police.

The case began on November 15, 2023, when Miss F., a 22-year-old young woman, sought police assistance after a brutal attack in the company of a friend.

The two young women, approached by two strangers in a Burkinabe-registered car, were taken to a distant alley where they were violently assaulted.

The victim, refusing to surrender her mobile phone, was stabbed and succumbed to her injuries shortly after at the hospital.

Responding promptly to Miss F.’s call, the police arrived at the crime scene, discovering the victim in agony and the assailants’ car abandoned.

The investigation, based on Miss F.’s testimony and evidence collected at the scene, led to the formal identification of C. Alain Patrick Wossonato.

On December 22, 2023, thanks to the cooperation of the Republican Police of Benin, Wossonato was apprehended in a hotel in Cotonou.

During interrogation, he confessed to the crime and implicated Merveil as a co-author. Merveil was arrested on the night of December 28-29, 2023, in a ghetto.

When questioned about the motive for the crime, the two accused admitted that their intention was to steal phones and other valuables to fund their drug consumption.

They will be presented to the Public Prosecutor at the High Court of Lomé to answer for their actions.

The National Police takes this opportunity to remind young girls of the necessity to be cautious and not follow strangers for promises of money.

It also expresses gratitude to the population for their valuable collaboration, emphasizing the effectiveness of the witness appeal launched on the national police’s Facebook page on December 3, 2023.

These recent events demonstrate the commitment of the Togolese police to ensuring the tranquility of the population and upholding justice.

Kodjovi Makafui