Burkina Faso: Trust and determination can help President Ibrahim Traoré in his mission

The President of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, decided not to accept his salary as Head of State. A decision of President Traoré to show this spirit of sacrifice that must inhabit each Burkinabe in the current situation of the country.The Head of State Ibrahim Traoré, is demonstrating today that indeed, there are still officers of integrity. It is also proof that at the top of the State, there are examples and strong actions that should challenge the Burkinabè. The Head of State must be encouraged in this direction.These steps demonstrate the sincerity and will in the commitments made by the new Burkinabe authorities in the context of the fight against terrorism, which is a tireless struggle of President Traoré. Burkina Faso is under attack and it is up to the Burkinabe people to mobilize to defend it.

The Head of State carried out a vast reorganization of the army, creating three new military regions, bringing the number of military regions to six, the creation of a new air region, bringing to two the number of military air regions, and the creation of six gendarmerie legions and six groups of forces. This change aims to make the various units of the army more effective for resounding victories over the enemy, who has sufficiently mourned the Burkinabe populations and caused about two million internally displaced people. The major concern at the moment is the security challenge, which is why President Traoré has decided to strengthen cooperation in the field of security and defence. The Burkinabe people are therefore called to show solidarity and support the Head of State, create harmony in order to remain united in this struggle. Popular mobilization is needed for Burkina Faso to regain its peace and serenity.

The call is therefore made to party activists and other citizens to mobilize for the Fatherland.

Miss OLY