Burkina Faso/GN: The best wishes of the new Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie

Appointed by presidential decree on 4 October last year to head the national gendarmerie, Lieutenant-Colonel Kouagri NATAMA officially took up his duties on Tuesday 10 October 2023.

The change of command ceremony took place at the National Gendarmerie headquarters in Ouagadougou.

He officially replaced Lieutenant-Colonel Évrard Somda, who led the military institution for more than a year. Precisely since 11 February 2022.

In his message on the occasion, the new commander of the Burkina Faso national gendarmerie reassured the audience of his commitment and determination to continue the work of his predecessor in the fight against terrorism and the protection of the national territory.

This, in collaboration with his brothers in arms, the Volunteers for the Defence of the Party (VDP) and the hard-working people of Burkina Faso.

The former commander of the gendarmerie group in Kaya, in north-central Burkina Faso, called on his brothers-in-arms to constantly respect the cardinal values of the gendarmerie, which include loyalty, fidelity and dignity.

He also urged them to always have a republican spirit, to be more committed and to work with professionalism, respecting their superiors and the transitional authorities, for a more effective collective fight.

With regard to the rumours about the dissolution of the national gendarmerie, the new Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-Colonel Kouagri Natama, reassured his brothers in arms and the entire population that this public institution serving the nation would continue to exist.

Maurice K. Zongo