Burkina Faso: New appointments in the army

Transitional President Ibrahim Traoré, Head of State of Burkina Faso, has made a number of appointments within the Burkinabe army. Decrees signed by the Head of State on Wednesday 04 October 2023 reorganised the national armed forces.

Commandants Tindnéré Bernard Koalga and Abdoul Karim Dao have been appointed Chief of Corps of the Equipment Battalion and Chief of the Logistics Division of the Armed Forces General Staff respectively.

Major ZONGO Boumbéwenné Hermann has been appointed Head of the Burkinabe Army Logistics Division.

Major TAMBOURA Idrissa has been appointed Director of Army Equipment.

Major NIKIEMA wendpagnandé Aurélien Bienvenu, now Director of Logistics for the Gendarmerie.

Lieutenant-Colonel NATAMA kouagri of the National Armed Forces has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie.

It is no coincidence that Lieutenant-Colonel Natama kouagri has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie.

In recent times, we know what he has gone through, speaking of manipulation of all kinds to make him bend and divert him from this mission assigned in the eyes of the Burkinabe people, promising them to stay with President Ibrahim Traoré to bring the transition to a successful conclusion.

From what little we know of him, he has been able to stand firm and remain loyal, despite the many attempts by the neo-colonisers to lead everyone by the nose.

With discernment, President Ibrahim Traoré appointed him Chief of Staff for his uprightness, and such a decision can only be salutary for the people of Burkina Faso.

Maiga DAO