Burkina Faso: Paris launches communication war against the transition

The communication war against the transitional government has been launched from Paris. According to sources, several Burkinabe authorities have decided that Paris should call on the French media. It is with this in mind that «Monde Afrique», «Jeune Afrique» and «Intelligent d’Afrique» have entered the fray.

It should be pointed out that these media, masquerading as Pan-African media, are housed and published in France.

As part of the media’s relentless attack on Burkina Faso, the «jeune Afrique» media published false articles insinuating discontent in the military barracks.

This information turned out to be false and led to a ban on all its media in Burkina Faso.

After «Jeune Afrique», it is now the turn of the MONDAFRIQUE media to publish an article alleging a tense relationship between the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré, and the businessman Mahamadou Bonkoukou.

According to the media, the businessman had wagered a large fortune to foment an insurrection, in complicity with a senior army officer.

This publication by MONDAFRIQUE provides further evidence of manipulation of the population, aimed at sowing doubt in public opinion and leading to an uprising.

This is a strategy that France has often used in countries where it has problems with the leaders, and which more often than not disguises imminent plans to destabilise the country.

The people of Burkina Faso must  get ready and prepared in the face of this communication war wagged by France against their country. They must reject outright the manipulative campaign launched by these media, whose sole aim is to see the country collapse.

Maiga DAO