Burkina Faso / Promotion of Agriculture: The Head of State encourages rice producers in Koho Yabiro

The President of the Burkinabe Revolution, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, places great importance on the economic development of Burkina Faso, particularly by fostering the agricultural sector. As part of his initiatives to promote agriculture, the Head of State visited the rice fields of Koho Yabiro on Friday, September 22, 2023.

The purpose of this visit was to show his support and extend his congratulations to the hardworking producers and managers of the rice fields.

The 54-hectare expanse of land in the area exhibits a satisfactory appearance, a testament to the considerable efforts made by local farmers.

As part of the presidential agricultural initiative, the producers in the Koho Yabiro rice fields received improved seeds, fertilizers, and technical assistance for the current agricultural campaign.

This initiative aims to enhance agricultural productivity and improve the living conditions of farmers in the region.

The Koho Yabiro rice fields were established as early as 2004 and are operated under the framework of agricultural cooperation between Burkina Faso and the Republic of China.

The farmers working there expressed their gratitude to the Head of State for his new policy in favor of rural areas and for supporting the Presidential Initiative for the wet farming season.

President Ibrahim Traoré’s visit once again underscores his commitment to promoting agriculture in Burkina Faso and supporting local farmers, who play an essential role in the country’s economic development.

Olivier TOE