DRC: Félix Tshisekedi rejects any dialogue with the M23 rebellion

The DRC President, Félix Tshisekedi, categorically rejected any dialogue with the M23 rebellion in response to statements made by the Rwandan President, Paul Kagame, who had claimed that the problem lay between Tshisekedi and the M23 rebels.

According to various sources, Tshisekedi’s mission to New York provided him with the opportunity to exert pressure on American decision-makers and convey the Congolese people’s desire to launch an offensive against the M23-RDF occupation forces in North Kivu, which have been present for 15 months.

He also expressed his intention to intensify operations against various armed groups, including the Ugandan ADF in Ituri.

Tshisekedi also called for an accelerated withdrawal of MONUSCO, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC, stating that the DRC was ready to take control of its destiny.

Finally, in his speech, the Congolese President criticized the «double standards» of the United Nations Security Council in resolving global crises.

He also reaffirmed his determination to hold general elections in December 2023 to renew all elective institutions in the DRC.

In summary, Tshisekedi’s speech at the UN addressed important issues, including the rejection of dialogue with the M23, the possibility of armed conflict, American support, the desire to take control of the country’s destiny, the withdrawal of MONUSCO, and preparations for the 2023 elections.

Neil Camara