Burkina Faso/France: What are the Burkinabe authorities accusing Emmanuel PASQUIER of?

In a note sent to the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs on Thursday September 14th, 2023, the Burkina Faso authorities, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced the expulsion of Emmanuel PASQUIER the military attaché and his entire team from the country.

Have you asked yourself why now? Why wasn’t he expelled at the start of the tensions between Burkina Faso and France, or when the French soldiers were ordered to leave the country?

The military regime took power nearly a year ago, why didn’t it act sooner?

Well, the answer to these questions is quite simple. The guy (Emmanuel PASQUIER) and his French military office staff left behind in Faso and who live there quietly, as they please, had the bad idea of indulging in plots and very dangerous little scheme against their host country, Burkina.

And that’s not knowing Captain Ibrahim TRAORÉ and his compatriots very well. They were very quickly unmasked by the worthy sons and daughters of Faso.

The head of the team, the so-called Attaché “thing”, is essentially accused by the authorities of “subversive activities”.

If I may translate this accusation in my own way, I would say that he is trying to sow disorder, especially at the head of the country, by plotting with certain predators and usurpers within the country.

Dear Pan-Africanists and revolutionaries, remember that in August the authorities warned of the presence in the country of mercenaries who would be housed in European representations and whose intention was to destabilise the government.

Well, you can be sure of that. They therefore have two weeks to clear the floor.

At the same time, the authorities have decided to close the Burkina Faso military mission in Paris, full stop.

The bridge between the two countries is thus definitively cut until further notice, if France ever converts and turns away from its evil ways.

The fight goes on, dear Burkinabe, for the total liberation of our homeland and for its effective development.

Long live IB!!! Long live the country of men of integrity! Long live a free and independent Africa!

Maiga DAO