Investigation: A large-scale destabilisation project is being prepared in a country in transition in Africa

African countries in transition, particularly in the Sahel region, are facing a serious threat of destabilisation, according to reliable sources. According to recent information, a plan to destabilise a country in transition in Africa (without specifying which one) is being prepared. This destabilization plan involves the creation of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) within the country in question.

According to the details of the  destabilization plan, these CSOs will present themselves as supporters of the transition in order to attract activists.

Once this stage has been completed, these so-called CSOs will manipulate the recruited activists to implement their malicious plan.

Initially, they will claim that they are not seeking to gain power, but rather to serve the interests of the country in question.

From that point onwards, the individuals grouped together in these organisations will begin to distribute money to the local population in order to gain their trust.

According to information obtained from reliable sources, this method is intended to destabilise the country in transition, in reaction to the efforts made by the government in place to restore security and promote peace, sovereignty and the well-being of the population.

An appeal is therefore being made to people living in countries in a phase of political transition.

The enemy has not yet given up, and it is essential that citizens remain vigilant to prevent any attempt to destabilise their government, which could lead to a setback in their efforts to build a better future.

Neil Camara