Guinea: Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, a visionary at the helm of a country victim of its natural resources

Among the young Heads of State in the West African sub-region who arouse admiration and hope at the national and continental level due to their patriotism and dedication to the development of their countries, Lieutenant Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya holds a prominent position.

Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya came to power in September 2021 through a coup, which proved to be beneficial in putting an end to the organized disorder at the country’s helm, the amateurism in managing public assets, the insecurity related to communal conflicts, and the systematic looting of resources not only by a certain segment of the population but also by Western powers, to the detriment of the population living in poverty. Yet, Guinea possesses «some of the most coveted mineral reserves on the planet».

With his charisma and vision, the officer has managed to impose a certain rigor since taking power, for an efficient management of the state and to set Guinea on a new path towards economic development and sovereignty.

Certainly, the task is immense, as Guinea has been delayed by several years of political instability, land conflicts, disastrous management of state institutions, and a grip of Western powers on its natural resources.

But the young colonel remains undeterred, rolling up his sleeves to unite the sons and daughters of Guinea to work together and restore the country’s balance, putting it on the path to becoming an emerging nation. For him, it is time for the numerous minerals that Guinea is rich in to benefit the Guinean people.

Neil Camara