Burkina Faso: The Prime Minister, Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, was honored with the title of Grand Officer of the Order of the Stallion.

The Prime Minister, Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, was honored with the title of Grand Officer of the Order of the Stallion at the Grand Chancellery in Ouagadougou. This ceremony took place in the presence of members of his government team and his collaborators, who gathered to reaffirm their support for him.

« Excellency Mr. Kyèlèm de Tambèla Apollinaire Joachimson, on behalf of the President of Burkina Faso and by virtue of the powers vested in me, we elevate you to the dignity of Grand Officer of the Order of the Stallion».

This official statement, delivered by the Grand Chancellor of Burkina Faso, André Roch Compaoré, signifies the nation’s recognition of the Prime Minister.

This decoration, conducted with national solemnity, places him among the esteemed figures of the nation and is awarded to him exceptionally, six months after his appointment as Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, as stipulated by the regulations.

After receiving this distinction with great humility, the Head of Government expressed that it was «unexpected» for him since he has never been decorated before, as he always preferred to stay away from “political intrigues.”

He expressed his gratitude to the Transitional President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for this « act of trust», as well as to the entire Government and all his collaborators.

«This is the result of the efforts of the entire Government and the dedication of all my collaborators. Together, we must work to further earn the trust placed in us so that we can lead our country even further, undertake the necessary reforms for our country to fully enjoy its political, economic, and cultural sovereignty, and be respected everywhere and in all circumstances», he stated.

Prior to the decoration ceremony, a brief overview of the Prime Minister’s background was presented.

It should be noted that Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla pursued part of his studies in France, specifically in Nice.

After completing his university education, he chose to become a lawyer while also teaching law in several universities.

As a Burkinabe writer and statesman, he quickly made a name for himself leading a think tank called the International and Strategic Research Center (CRIS).

Testimonials from his close collaborators indicate that the Prime Minister is a model of a principled man who respects values such as integrity, unwavering commitment, and probity, among others.

It is based on these qualities associated with his character that the Transitional President found him suitable to lead the Burkinabe government since October 2022.

Neil Camara