Burkina Faso: Djibrill Bassolé, the new bait found by France to destabilize the Land of the Upright people?

As we reported in our articles a few days ago, France wants to use Burkinabe politicians (including former officials) to seek revenge and implement its diabolical plans for destabilization. The current figure chosen for this unhealthy objective is the former minister  of foreign affairs, Djibrill Bassolé. A former fugitive prisoner in France who, instead of focusing on his treatment, is on the verge of serving his host country against his country of origin.

The former Burkinabe Minister of Foreign Affairs will soon appear on a program on the French television channel France 24, where he will propose dialogue and negotiations as a solution to the security crisis in his country, while taking care to discredit and denounce the establishment of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) – citizens recruited to supplement the army and who have been doing remarkable work in the field.

According to information from reliable sources, this is a meticulously concocted plan by France. It consists, first and foremost, of perpetrating a series of mass killings in the coming days, such as the recent ambush in Djibo, in order to discredit the combat forces of Burkina Faso.

Then, the former Minister of Security under Blaise Compaoré, General Djibrill Bassolé, will intervene on the airwaves of the aforementioned French channel to comment on these unfortunate events as the man who holds the magical key to resolving the crisis. He will propose to the Transition government to sit down for negotiations with jihadist groups.

The choice of the former diplomat by France is not surprising, considering that he made the same proposal last March during a forum in Doha, Qatar.

This was also the strategy adopted by previous governments in the face of this scourge. A strategy that eventually proved to be a grave mistake, allowing terrorism to grow and become sufficiently equipped.

However, it should be noted that the choice of General Bassolé does not enjoy unanimous support within the French services involved in the plot.

While he is supported by his friends in the Masonic fraternity and media outlets banned from broadcasting in Burkina Faso, General Djibrill Yipènè Bassolé is being questioned by the French Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE). According to this two-faced French agency, using a former detainee for this role would further tarnish France’s image.

For now, we wait to see if the former  Burkinabe Minister of Foreign Affairs will succumb to the enticing proposals of France. A country that claims to condemn the coup but is preparing to collaborate with someone involved in a failed coup in 2015 to achieve its objectives.

Moussa Kafou