Burkina-Faso: The army regains momentum in the fight against terrorism under the MPSR

The first terrorist attack on a Burkinabe security post took place on August 23, 2015, and cost the life of a gendarme. Since then, a multitude of barbaric acts by terrorist groups have targeted military camps and civilians under the helpless or negligent gaze of the country’s leaders. From the transitional president, Michel Kafando, to Lieutenant Colonel Sandaogo-Damiba, through Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, the jihadists had the wind in their sails and succeeded in laying siege to several towns in the country and plunging the population into total disarray. But since the arrival in power of a movement of young patriots, determined to liberate Faso, and led to date by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Although determined to defend their territory against the installation and advance of terrorist groups, the security forces were limited since the beginning of the jihadist attacks in 2015, by the lack of means and logistics. As a result, the number of dead men in the ranks of the army was considerable. As a result, several towns, such as Solenzo, were completely under the control of the jihadists. The situation was worrying and the population was left to fend for itself, hoping that the leaders would fight hard against the scourge.

As soon as he came to power, Captain Ibrahim Traoré distinguished himself from his predecessors by his willingness to take the bull by the horns without wasting time. In only three months, the results are more than convincing.

The plethora of measures and strong decisions taken to reorganize and equip the army, remobilize the troops and get them to change tactics in the battle to eradicate terrorism in Burkina, has enabled the defense forces to gain the upper hand over the armed men in record time.

As proof, the offensive operations carried out by the troops have made it possible to destroy several terrorist bases throughout the country and to neutralize dozens of jihadists. On the eve of the national holiday, the Burkinabe flag began to fly again in Solenzo. This was unimaginable a few months ago.

Thanks to the coordinated action of the ground troops, artillery and air force, the city has been liberated, the internally displaced persons have returned to their homes and life has resumed its normal course in the city.

“An operation was conducted to liberate the capital of a province here,” and this is an opportunity for me “to salute the bravery of these men who led this operation to reconquer the town” of Solenzo, said Captain Ibrahim Traoré, during his message to the nation on December 31, in this very town.

On Wednesday, January 4, 2023, several terrorists were neutralized in the destruction of a terrorist base in Kimseré, near Tougan, in the Sourou province.

In order to strengthen the army and accelerate the fight against terrorism, President Traoré has called on the population to contribute to the recruitment of 50,000 Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), and also launched an appeal for support for the war effort. An initiative that has received the support of economic operators and major trade unions who do not hesitate to put their hands to the wheel, for a total reconquest of the national territory.

Miss OLY