Burkina Faso / Imperialist manoeuvres to disarm the country: A new strategy of subversion

As their initial strategy of fostering terrorism in Burkina Faso falters, imperialist forces have resorted to a familiar yet pernicious tactic: manipulating local proxies to sow discord within the nation’s military and civilian spheres.


With the rise of the Burkinabe defense forces thwarting their terror-driven agendas, these malevolent actors are now attempting to undermine national unity through covert subversive actions.


No longer relying solely on acts of terror, these external powers are orchestrating a subtle campaign aimed at eroding trust and cohesion within Burkina Faso’s military institutions.


By exploiting local collaborators, they seek to incite internal divisions within the armed forces, hoping to weaken their solidarity and operational effectiveness.


Simultaneously, a calculated media campaign is being waged to sway public opinion. Misinformation and distorted narratives are being disseminated widely to foster discontent and create rifts among the Burkinabe population.


These destabilization efforts are designed to fracture national unity and undermine the local authorities’ ongoing efforts to secure peace and stability.


In the face of these insidious attacks, it is imperative for the people of Burkina Faso and their leaders to maintain their unity and vigilance.


Resilience and solidarity remain the most potent defenses against these attempts to destabilize the nation.


Burkina Faso must continue to forge ahead with resolve, safeguarding its sovereignty and countering imperialist schemes.


Maurice K.ZONGO