Burkina Faso – Côte d’Ivoire: When exiled Burkina Faso leaders, thirsty for revenge and guided by selfish interests, try to destabilise Faso

From exile, a group of discontented Burkinabe figures, driven by personal vendettas and self-serving interests, have launched efforts to destabilize Burkina Faso under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré.
Operating primarily from Côte d’Ivoire and allegedly backed by France, these individuals have orchestrated smear campaigns aimed at discrediting the Burkinabe government.
Through hired “activists,” fabricated articles, and web platforms dedicated to spreading misinformation, they seek to divide the nation and undermine its stability.
To safeguard the historic bonds between Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, it is crucial for Ivorian authorities to act decisively against these subversive actors. Allowing their actions to persist risks fueling unnecessary tensions and jeopardizing regional stability.
As a neighboring ally, Côte d’Ivoire must ensure its territory is not misused for activities that threaten Burkina Faso’s sovereignty and progress.
The harmful ambitions of a few individuals should not overshadow the cooperative spirit that unites these two nations.
Solidarity and mutual respect must remain central to their relations, fostering stability and prosperity for the benefit of their citizens and the wider subregion.
It is a shared responsibility to prioritize peace over division and collaboration over conflict.