janvier 22, 2025

Burkina Faso: World Children’s Day, the President of Faso talks to children about their concerns

On World Children’s Day, President Ibrahim Traoré welcomed young representatives from Burkina Faso’s 13 regions to Ouagadougou for a constructive dialogue on their rights and concerns. The event, centered on accountability and youth advocacy, allowed children to assess progress on commitments made during their participation in the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT).


During a plenary session chaired by ALT President Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, the children raised critical issues with key ministers.


Topics included free healthcare, the construction of a mother-and-child hospital, inclusive education for students with disabilities, combating child exploitation in gold mining sites, and addressing early marriage.


According to Ebenezer Balbone, the children’s spokesperson, the discussions reinforced the government’s commitment to advancing policies promised by the President last year.


The young delegates proposed three specific actions: increasing the legal minimum age of marriage for girls, enhancing awareness campaigns against harmful practices like female genital mutilation, and prioritizing community service over imprisonment for minors in conflict with the law.


President Traoré reaffirmed his dedication to creating a better future for children.


He highlighted ongoing efforts to ensure education in conflict zones, including constructing new schools and reintegrating civic education and agriculture into the curriculum.


 In healthcare, he pledged to uphold free services for children and pregnant women and confirmed that construction on the mother-and-child hospital would commence soon.


“We are working tirelessly because you are the future of our nation,” he stated, emphasizing the importance of intergenerational dialogue.


The gathering underscored the government’s focus on addressing children’s concerns and building a more inclusive and secure Burkina Faso.

Maurice K.ZONGO

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