février 23, 2025

Mali: The peaceful march scheduled for 13 October has been postponed to a later date    

The Coordination des mouvements, associations et sympathisants de l’imam Mahmoud Dicko (CMAS) has decided to postpone its peaceful march scheduled for 13 October 2023 in Mali.

This decision follows sound advice and good offices missions by customary, religious, political and moral authorities, in particular the High Islamic Council, in conjunction with Imam Mahmoud Dicko.

CMAS supports conciliatory approaches inspired by traditional values and advocated by Imam Mahmoud Dicko, in particular through the creation of the Centre for Peace and Social Cohesion in the Sahel countries. CMAS reaffirms its commitment to the establishment of a civil Transition aimed at re-establishing a normal constitutional order, considered as a guarantor of democracy and the rule of law.

Read also:  Mali: validation of the Liptako-Gourma Charter, another step forward in the fight against terrorism


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