février 22, 2025

Niger: Military Intervention, France Positions Its Armed Troops in the Countries of the Sub-Region

France plans military intervention in Niger. France is stepping up its military presence in various countries in the sub-region, in anticipation of a potential attack on Niger, in collaboration with ECOWAS. France has recently been deploying its armed forces in the region.

Two military transport aircraft have been deployed as reinforcements in Côte d’Ivoire, and some forty armoured vehicles in Benin. Major movements of cargo aircraft have been noted, dropping off large quantities of military equipment and supplies in Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Benin.

These manoeuvres are signs of preparations for a military offensive against Niger. Recent reports suggest that France may be considering repositioning some of its troops, possibly in Chad.

The CNSP authorities, supported by the people of Niger, must leave no opportunity for France and its henchmen in the sub-region to implement their diabolical plan. The valiant people of Niger must denounce France’s inhumane behaviour through patriotic demonstrations.

The people of countries whose leaders are intent on destabilising Niger must say no to the regional war that their leaders are planning. The lives of people in these countries are not safe.

Read also: Africa: Attempted destabilization in Niger, enemies reportedly plan to eliminate CNSP officials


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