février 22, 2025

Burkina Faso / Burkinabe Youth, Pillar Of Good Governance And The Fight Against Corruption: Prime Minister’s Commitments

In Burkina Faso, a wind of change is blowing in the direction of good governance and the fight against corruption. Thanks to the vision of President Ibrahim Traoré, the Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, embodies this dynamism and determination to lead the country towards a more transparent and inclusive future. In an audience with association leaders, the Prime Minister outlined his vision for a more inclusive and dynamic system of governance.

The Prime Minister began by expressing his commitment to the country’s youth. He pointed out that young people are the future of Burkina Faso, and that his government is actively working to offer them meaningful opportunities. « The way we want to organize things, if you don’t give up, it’s you who will benefit, because we need to change the political class and allow young people to take their destiny into their own hands, » he declared.

He also criticized the political status quo, highlighting the need for renewal. « There are young people out there who are patriots. We need to make room for youth, » he insisted. To promote this commitment, he announced the establishment of Watch and Development Committees (COVED) in every neighborhood and village, where young people will have a voice and significant power.

The Prime Minister also emphasized the essential role that COVEDs will play in the fight against insecurity and in local management. He encouraged citizens to organize and take charge of their own destiny, drawing on their cultures, roots and traditions.

Burkina Faso’s sovereignty was also a crucial point of discussion. The Prime Minister urged association leaders to defend this sovereignty with determination. « Even if we are poor, we have to be dignified. You can be poor, but clean and respectable, » he stressed.

This meeting with association leaders demonstrates the dynamism of the Burkina Faso government in its quest for transparency, citizen participation and the fight against corruption. Burkina Faso is forging a future in which young people play a central role in governance, national sovereignty is preserved, and regional cooperation progresses towards a united federation.

soulemane ABOUBAKAR

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