décembre 26, 2024

Africa: Nothing seems to be going well within ECOWAS, is introspection already underway?

While some member states of ECOWAS, like Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, and Benin, appear ready to intervene militarily in Niger, there is a lack of unity within the sub-regional organization. A meeting in Abuja to finalize the potential invasion of Niger revealed disagreements among the chiefs of staff of ECOWAS member states, according to a source close to the ECOWAS commission.

This embarrassing situation prompted the current President of ECOWAS to convene another meeting with the organization’s members to receive a negotiation approach.

However, a delegation from ECOWAS traveled to Niamey on August 3rd in an attempt to negotiate with the new authorities of Niger.

Unfortunately, the delegation had to cut short its stay due to being unable to meet with members of the CNSP.

The issue of military intervention in Niger has also caused disagreements among the chiefs of staff of ECOWAS.

The much-anticipated meeting of joint chiefs of staff seems to have failed due to a lack of consensus.

Nigeria’s participation in the intervention in Niger has also encountered obstacles. President Bola Tinubu officially requested the support of the Nigerian Senate for a military intervention against the military in Niger.

The Senate of his country vehemently rejected the requests for authentication of a military intervention in the neighboring country.

The new authorities have strong support from the Nigerien people and the governments of neighboring countries (Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea). Currently, nothing is going well within ECOWAS.

Yannick H.

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