janvier 22, 2025

Africa: Rwanda, CAR, Libya and now Mali. The UN continues to update the list of victims of its false reports

Have international institutions become easily manipulated instruments in the hands of neocolonial powers against states and peoples who reject Western domination? This question is legitimate when one examines the double standards advocated by these organizations, particularly the United Nations (UN), which recently announced 500 deaths in Moura in a carefully crafted report aimed at implicating the Malian authorities of the Transition.

The UN is not new to these slanderous writings that leave one dumbfounded. It is well-known among political analysts that the organization has significantly contributed, through its deceitful reports, to the destabilization of Libya and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, a proponent of total independence and the emergence of Africa.

The UN’s actions have also affected the Central African Republic, which expelled French troops from its territory, as they proved to be more of a problem than a solution to the socio-political crisis.

With the latest deceitful report issued on Mali, regarding the large-scale military operation conducted in Moura in March 2022 as part of the war against terrorism, which successfully neutralized approximately 200 terrorists, the international institution reveals itself to the world as an organization that relentlessly targets anti-neocolonialist states.

At the same time, it willingly turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by France on the continent, such as the genocide in Rwanda, for which it has never condemned France, despite it being well-known as responsible and complicit in the massacre of one million Tutsis.

It also ignores the arming of anti-balaka rebels and the acts of sexual violence committed by French and UN troops against populations in the Central African Republic and Mali.

Additionally, the former colonizer’s support for rebel or terrorist groups in many other countries, including Burkina Faso, is conveniently disregarded.

By adopting such a stance of unleashing its fury against countries that express their aversion to their former colonizers, the UN is moving further away from its core objectives of maintaining peace and security.

Instead, it appears to endorse crimes, armed conflicts, and terrorist activities taking place in the Sahel and elsewhere on the continent.

Rather than responding vigorously or proposing a sustainable solution to the hostile forces that are causing immense grief to thousands of families in the Sahel, the organization chooses to incriminate, without tangible and reliable evidence, the Malian Armed Forces (FAMA) and their allied Wagner Group, alleging that they are responsible for the execution of 500 civilians in Moura (Mopti region, central Mali).

By what alchemy did the UN manage to tally the deaths it mentions in its report accusing the Malian troops? What about the extremist groups destabilizing the sub-region, killing defenseless populations every day?

Do they enjoy the blessing of international institutions? Aren’t the thousands of people dying in extremist violence in the Sahel human beings who deserve justice? These are questions that African people must ask themselves, being cautious not to take these deceitful reports produced by French officials serving in the UN investigative bodies and bureaus responsible for African affairs at face value.

The African community must stand up to denounce these excesses of the international institution on the continent.

African people must now understand that it is up to them to take control of Africa’s destiny and reject the plots of Western powers aimed at maintaining their domination over the continent.

Nicky Bonsafo

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