Burkina Faso: Behind the French media’s disinformation plots against the Defence and Security Forces            

In recent days, Burkina Faso is suffering a wave of disinformation campaigns orchestrated by certain French media outlets, including RFI, France 24, and Jeune Afrique, under the directive of French authorities.

This disinformation campaign has sought to undermine the heroic efforts of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), and their Commander-in-Chief, President Ibrahim Traoré, in their relentless fight against terrorism.


Indeed, under the aggressive strategy of these armed forces, terrorists are finding no refuge, and Burkina Faso is moving toward certain victory.


The exceptional synergy between the Burkinabe, Malian, and Nigerien armed forces, characterized by effective intelligence sharing and joint operations, is yielding tangible results on the ground.


Terrorists are being relentlessly pursued, diminishing their operational capacity day by day.


However, these significant advancements are not welcomed by imperialists and their local collaborators, who are intensifying efforts to manipulate and divide.


Their goal is to destabilize Burkina Faso to prevent its imminent victory over terrorism, as they do not wish to see the Burkinabe people enjoy peace and prosperity.


Despite these malicious attempts, the people of Burkina Faso must remain united and determined.


They must support the VDP, the FDS, and President Ibrahim Traoré in this crucial struggle. Victory is within reach, and together, they can achieve triumph.


Olivier TOE