Burkina Faso / The Voice of the Burkinabe People: A New Constitution for Peace and Development

In a constant effort to promote peace and development in Burkina Faso, the government, led by President Ibrahim Traoré, has initiated an ambitious plan for stabilization and development. At the heart of this plan is a constitutional reform. This burkina Faso constitutional reform  aimed at modernizing the country’s political, institutional, and administrative institutions.

On Monday, Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson KYELEM de Tambela held an important meeting with the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, Dr. Ousmane BOUGOUMA, in Ouagadougou.

The focus of this meeting was the report generated from the «Exchange Days with Stakeholders from Regions on Political, Institutional, and Administrative Reforms during the Transition».

This report is the result of an extensive consultation process conducted by the members of the Transitional Legislative Assembly with citizens in all 45 provinces and 13 regions of Burkina Faso.

The goal was to gather the opinions and recommendations of citizens regarding the necessary reforms to shape the country’s future.

The outcomes of these consultations are noteworthy. Out of the 21 reforms proposed by the government, stakeholders from the regions have put forward no less than 25 additional reforms, spanning 13 critical areas.

These reforms primarily address the political, institutional, and administrative aspects of the country, according to Dr. Ousmane BOUGOUMA, President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly.

The central point of the Burkina Faso constitutional Reform project is the revision of the current constitution, supported by an impressive majority of 84% of those consulted.

Citizens believe that the current constitution does not sufficiently reflect Burkina Faso’s traditional values, and they aspire to a fundamental law that aligns more closely with the country’s reality and the aspirations of its people.

Maiga DAO