Niger: Inevitable departure of the French Army

General Abdourahamane Tiani and his fellow military members of the CNSP denounced the military cooperation agreements that bound Niger and France at the beginning of August. Thus, the deadline for the withdrawal of French troops expired on September 2.

After taking a hardline stance with the new Nigerien authorities, France has decided to recall its ambassador and expedite the process of withdrawing its troops.

The French army is preparing to leave Niger following mounting pressure from the population of Niamey.

«Ongoing discussions should soon allow the French forces stationed in Niger to withdraw», said Lamine Zeine, the Nigerian Prime Minister.

Following the fall of Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, joint military operations between France and Niger were halted due to the rising diplomatic tension.

While the details of the withdrawal of the French troops  are not yet known, it is inevitable and represents a significant response from France.

Paris had even announced its support for the decision of ECOWAS military intervention in Niger and demanded the return of Bazoum to power.

This further escalated diplomatic relations with the leaders of the National Council for the Safeguard of the homeland (CNSP).

It is in this context that massive protests began last weekend at the front of the Nigerien Air Force Base 101 in Niamey, which houses the Projected Air Base (BAP) of the French forces in the Sahel, formerly known as Barkhane.

The protesters demand the immediate and unconditional departure of French soldiers from Niger.

Fayçal BADIE