Togo: National Public-Private Partnership Day on 5 September

This Tuesday 5 September, Togo is organizing the first National Public-Private Partnership Day. The aim of this initiative is to promote exchanges between the public authorities and the business world.

Set up by the State-Private Sector Consultation Committee with the support of the German Development Cooperation, the  first National Public-Private Partnership Day brings together members of government, economic operators and employers’ and consular organizations such as the Togo’s Major Companies Association (AGET), the National Council of Employers of Togo (CNP) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

At this meeting, the government will present to the private sector the main achievements and reforms undertaken in recent years.

In Togo, private enterprise is the driving force behind the national economy and a major source of employment.

During the day, discussions will be held on the government’s Roadmap 2025 and on the reforms undertaken to improve the business climate.

The Day is set to become a key event in the public-private dialogue and an essential meeting place for Togo’s business community and political decision-makers.

It aims to strengthen mutual trust between the State and the Private Sector for an inclusive socio-economic development of our country.

Yoann Amouzou