Niger: The CNSP receives its mandate from the people

There is no better way of ensuring the security and legitimacy of a president than by mobilising the people behind him. The people of Niger seem to understand this. The mobilisation of thousands of people in Niamey the day after the ultimatum given to the French and German ambassadors in Niger bears witness to this. This umpteenth gathering is a sign of the confidence Nigeriens have in the new government, embodied by the National Council for the Safeguard of the  Homenand(CNSP).

At the Seyni Kountché stadium, the people of Niger once again demonstrated their disavowal of France and its policy of domination over a sovereign people.

The departure of the French military will mark the beginning of the liberation of Niger and the country’s freedom to choose its partners.

For 60 years, we have never been independent, only the day Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown. So we are 100% behind the CNSP.

According to Colonel Ibro Amadou, a member of the CNSP, the people will be liberated as they go along. And the transition will follow the timetable set by the new authorities.

As a reminder, General Abdourahamane Tiani had announced that the transition would not exceed 3 years after an inclusive 30-day national dialogue had discussed the contours of the transitional process.

Fayçal BADIE