Burkina Faso:  A new destabilization plan, Nana Akufo-Addo is giving more support to Embalo.

The recent statement by President Embalo regarding the security crisis in Burkina Faso now clearly appears to be the beginning of a multi-episode series titled «The destabilization of the Land of Honest Men». It is yet another Machiavellian plan devised by France, which, in addition to mercenaries, has now involved other heads of state in the sub-region and several Fulani leaders in order to achieve its revenge and conceal its perfidy.

After playing the leading role, accusing the Burkinabe government of stigmatizing the Fulani people, the repatriation of Burkinabe nationals by Nana Akufo-Addo constitutes the second part of this diabolical project, according to expert analysis.

«New destabilization plan, Nana Akufo-Addo comes to reinforce Embalo. The details behind the departure of the Guinea-Bissau leader. »

Having visited Burkina Faso a few weeks ago, ostensibly to strengthen diplomatic relations between Accra and Ouagadougou, the Ghanaian President has betrayed the trust placed in him by the Burkinabe authorities by expelling Burkinabe citizens, all of whom belong to the Fulani ethnic group, from his territory.

This was done without prior communication with his Burkinabe counterpart. This fact is being overlooked by prominent Fulani figures, including President Embalo, who was positioning himself as a defender of this ethnic community.

According to investigations, the third episode is currently being prepared. It involves a plan to massacre the Fulani people by mercenaries who will, of course, be dressed in Burkinabe military uniforms to validate President Embalo’s claims.

Finally, the newly elected President of Nigeria and head of ECOWAS will come into play. It should be noted that he has already made two visits to France (March 22nd and mid-May) after his election as Head of State and even before his inauguration, during which he was likely tasked with serving the interests of the hexagon.

According to analysts, he is waiting for the carnage to implicate President Traoré and his government or demand the intervention of a UN force in Burkina Faso, thereby paving the way for France.

It is necessary for the Fulani community in Burkina Faso and the entire population to demonstrate resilience and vigilance in order to once again thwart this unhealthy plan about the destabilization of  the Land of Honest Men.

Neil Camara