Burkina Faso: Government raises its voice against hate speech on social networks

The Government deeply regrets the hateful or ethnicist comments that have been made recently on the Internet. These abuses have increased since the tragedy in Nouna, where about thirty of our compatriots lost their lives during the night of 30-31 December 2022, and for which the justice system has opened an investigation to clarify the circumstances.

The Government unreservedly condemns the glorification of terror, wherever it comes from and whoever the perpetrators are. It invites all Burkinabè to abandon any spirit of communitarianism that is prejudicial to peace in Faso, to social cohesion and to our living together.

Our communities have always lived in perfect harmony and worked together for the development of this country that we all love. To give in to hatred and division would be to fall into the trap of an enemy who is on the run and against whom our commitment to triumph is more than ever affirmed.

The Government warns those guilty of inciting hatred and violence. It invites all those who have been threatened to contact the competent structures without delay and assures that the law will remain in force.

Miss OLY