Burkina Faso: once again the target of perfidious manoeuvres by its enemies

Reports suggest that Burkina Faso may be the target of a destabilization campaign, allegedly orchestrated by imperialist forces and their local allies. These entities are purportedly aiming to undermine the efforts of the MPSR (Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration) led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, along with the nation’s military forces.

According to sources, mercenaries have been enlisted by these adversaries with the intent of assassinating key MPSR leaders and military chiefs who have been at the forefront of defending the country.

Additionally, infiltrators within the ranks are reportedly being used to sow discord, encouraging support troops to mutiny.

The goal of these alleged maneuvers is clear: to weaken Burkina Faso from within and render it vulnerable to foreign forces.

Those who fall for divisive rhetoric may, knowingly or unknowingly, be advancing the interests of those who care little for the well-being of the Burkinabe people.

In response, the Burkinabe population is urged to remain vigilant and resist manipulation.

Unity and solidarity behind President Ibrahim Traoré are seen as crucial in thwarting these destructive plans.

The President’s mission, aimed at safeguarding the nation’s integrity and building a future of peace and prosperity, is deemed vital and deserving of widespread support.

At this critical juncture, it is essential to reject the narratives of hate and division.

By standing together as a strong and united nation, the people of Burkina Faso can overcome the forces of disruption and protect their sovereignty against those seeking to destabilize the country.


Maurice K.ZONGO