President Traoré bolsters Burkina Faso’s Healthcare system with major equipment donation

President Captain Traoré of Burkina Faso is steadfast in his mission to improve living conditions for his fellow citizens, a vision that is consistently realized through tangible actions in key sectors.


One such area is healthcare, where the presidential initiative for system enhancement was recently adopted.


This initiative, approved by the Council of Ministers on July 3rd, empowers President Traoré to take actionable steps toward an adequate healthcare system for the benefit of the Burkinabe population.


A significant milestone was reached on July 25th with the delivery of various medical and logistical equipment.


In a notable act, President Traoré handed over a comprehensive suite of resources to the Minister of Health.


These included fifteen mobile clinics, twelve station wagons, eleven pickup trucks, thirteen refrigerated pickup trucks, 1,900 refrigerators equipped with solar kits, 110 electric freezers, fourteen generators, eleven cold storage units, and 835 tablets.


This donation reflects the President’s commitment to enhancing healthcare services and ensuring access for all citizens across Burkina Faso.


The presidential health initiative also includes the construction and equipping of health infrastructure in communities, aimed at bringing hospitals closer to the people.


By providing these essential tools, President  Captain Traoré is honoring his pledge to improve healthcare delivery and accessibility, marking a significant step forward in the nation’s pursuit of better health outcomes for its citizens.

Olivier TOE