Niger: Opening of the first oil and gas school in Zinder

A new national school of oil and gas has just opened its doors in Zinder, Niger. Over the past weekend, Professor Mamadou Saidou, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Technological Innovation, inaugurated this new school at the André Salifou University in Zinder. This project aligns with a crucial vision of the former Nigerien CNSP regarding the petroleum sector.

The establishment of this school is part of a strategic framework aimed at upgrading internal skills to support development initiatives.

Through this school, Nigerien authorities not only seek to enhance the exploitation of their resources but also aim for more efficient and sustainable production management by implementing a resource optimization system.

It is widely recognized that the creation of this school comes at a pivotal moment for Niger, as its crude oil production has recently experienced a significant increase.

The country has increased its production from 20,000 to 110,000 barrels per day, marking an impressive rise of 90,000 barrels daily.

This production expansion places a particular emphasis on profitability, which hinges on the availability of demonstrated skills to support this new dynamic.

The inauguration of the ENPG marks a decisive step towards self-sufficiency and the optimization of local resources.

It also provides new opportunities for young Nigeriens, who can now acquire cutting-edge skills to meet internal needs.

Read again: Niger asserts its sovereignty: Withdrawal of US troops by mid-September

Fayçal BADIE