Côte d’Ivoire/Trade: Suspension of certain energy drinks – is there a hidden agenda?

The suspension of certain alcoholic energy drinks across Côte d’Ivoire has sparked significant controversy and debate among the public.


While some merchants express concerns over financial losses, others suspect ulterior motives behind the government’s decision.


Several months ago, Côte d’Ivoire implemented a nationwide ban on the sale of specific alcoholic energy drinks, a move that has had far-reaching effects.


Merchants who had invested heavily in this burgeoning sector now find themselves struggling.


Some have reportedly been forced to sell personal assets to cover debts incurred from their investments.


Beyond the financial impact on these businesses, there are growing allegations of a deliberate conspiracy aimed at removing popular beverages from the market.


Critics argue that the ban serves as a strategic maneuver to oust competitive products that were dominating the beverage sector.


The ban’s repercussions extend beyond the economic sphere. There is rising concern over the continued availability of similar products on the market, which are not subject to the same scrutiny.


Additionally, the presence of harmful substances like Tramadol has intensified calls for a comprehensive review.


Public dissatisfaction is mounting as the health concerns that ostensibly justified the ban persist.


Critics are urging for a thorough investigation into the decision and are advocating for the restoration of merchants’ rights to sell these products, aligning Côte d’Ivoire with regulatory practices in neighboring countries.


As frustration grows, there is an increasing demand for balanced regulatory measures that address both public health and economic impacts, ensuring a fair and effective approach to managing the beverage market.


Cherif Toure