Côte d’Ivoire / Banning alcoholic energy drinks: strategies to bring the authorities to their senses

The recent ban by Ivorian authorities on the import and sale of alcoholic energy drinks has put many merchants in a tough spot.


This public health-driven decision presents a significant challenge for those who rely on these products for their livelihood.


To persuade Ivorian leaders to reconsider the ban, merchants must take a series of strategic actions.


Establishing dialogue with authorities

The first step is to open a constructive dialogue with relevant authorities. Merchants should form a representative coalition or union to centralize their efforts.


Through this organization, they can request official meetings with policymakers to discuss the economic impacts of the ban.


Raising public and political awareness

Simultaneously, it is crucial to conduct awareness campaigns targeting both the public and decision-makers.


Merchants can organize seminars, workshops, and utilize media platforms to highlight safety measures that can ensure responsible consumption of these drinks.


By showcasing examples from countries where effective regulations have allowed the sale of these products while safeguarding public health, they can demonstrate that alternative solutions are feasible.


Proposing strict regulations

Instead of demanding a complete lifting of the ban, merchants could propose strict regulations to ensure responsible consumption.


This could include age restrictions, sales limitations in certain areas, and awareness campaigns about the risks of alcohol abuse.


By showing their willingness to collaborate on balanced solutions, they can persuade authorities that a total ban is not the only option.


Leveraging professional support

Support from professional associations and chambers of commerce can strengthen the merchants’ position.


These organizations often have influential channels and resources to conduct more effective advocacy.


Building a collaborative approach

The ban on alcoholic energy drinks in Côte d’Ivoire poses a major challenge for merchants.


However, with a strategic approach focused on dialogue, education, regulation, professional support, and innovation, they can effectively advocate for a reconsideration of the decision.


It is crucial that these economic operators demonstrate their readiness to work with authorities to find balanced solutions.

Sherif Touré