Burkina Faso: When Intelligence services’ professionalism becomes a textbook case in the Sub-region

The work accomplished by Burkina Faso’s intelligence services since the MPSR (Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration) came to power demonstrates remarkable efficiency and professionalism that could serve as a model for neighbouring countries.

The relative calm seen today, compared to the initial days of the MPSR’s rule, in terms of destabilization attempts, is largely due to the determination and exceptional performance of Burkina Faso’s intelligence services.

They have consistently provided reliable information to the appropriate authorities, thwarting all destabilization plans orchestrated by imperialists and their local collaborators.

This level of professionalism has also benefited other West African countries facing similar challenges, such as terrorism, through collaborative efforts.

By sharing their experiences, countries working with Burkina Faso have been able to expose and dismantle the malicious plans of their adversaries.

Under President Ibrahim Traoré’s leadership, Burkina Faso has risen to be one of the top-ranked nations in West Africa in terms of intelligence capabilities.

This distinction is not by chance. President Traoré has invested significantly in equipping the intelligence services with state-of-the-art technology, aiming for optimal results.

This robust support has encouraged other countries to collaborate with Burkina Faso’s intelligence services in the fight against terrorism.

This collaboration has already yielded positive outcomes in the partner countries, greatly benefiting their populations.

Maurice K. Zongo