Burkina Faso / Beware of manipulation: The enemies of the Burkinabe people change their strategy

In a new episode of their quest to destabilize the transition  of Burkina Faso led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the conspirators are seeking to manipulate public opinion by using the names of traditional leaders.

According to reports, some corrupt politicians, known for their selfishness and personal ambition at the expense of the people’s interests, have attempted to create divisions by claiming that traditional leaders oppose the current government.

However, the awakened and vigilant Burkinabe people will not fall into this crude trap.

Sources suggest that the latest maneuver of these manipulators involved circulating an old video from June 29, 2022.

This meeting of traditional leaders took place under a previous regime and has no relevance to the current situation.

Their aim is to portray traditional leaders as opposing the transition led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

However, the traditional leaders continue to bless the country and its leaders every day, thus supporting national recovery efforts.

These enemies of the nation, lacking arguments to criticize Captain Traoré’s impressive achievements, resort to disinformation and manipulation tactics to sow doubt and confusion.

However, the people of Burkina Faso, having experienced 30 years of flattery and political manipulation, are now clear-eyed and will not be deceived.

Today’s Burkina Faso, under the presidency of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, is firmly focused on the future.

The momentum for change is unstoppable, and no attempt at manipulation can divert the people from their path towards a bright future.

The people must remain united and vigilant against these destabilization attempts and continue to support those working for the good of the nation.

Maurice K. Zongo