Burkina Faso: Are the imperialists planning to destabilise the government of Captain Ibrahim Traoré in the coming days?

In Burkina Faso, allegations have surfaced regarding a purported destabilization threat against MPSR 2 led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, with reports indicating a planned plot against his government. Signals from imperialist forces and their local allies, known for disseminating false information and targeting communication channels supporting President Ibrahim Traoré’s policies, suggest a green light for implementing a destabilization plan in the coming days.

Historical patterns reveal that, in accordance with their tactics, conspirators typically lay the groundwork by orchestrating disinformation campaigns to erode public confidence in government institutions.

This preliminary phase is often succeeded by coordinated efforts to disrupt the established order.

Given these indicators, it is imperative for Burkinabe authorities to maintain a state of heightened vigilance to counter any potential threats.

The gravity of this alert is underscored by the recent propagation of propaganda and videos, highlighting the need for decisive preventive measures by authorities to safeguard the integrity of the ongoing transition process.

In response to this critical situation, an immediate and coordinated effort from Burkinabe authorities is indispensable, emphasizing the urgency and significance of the matter.

Related article/ Burkina Faso/Regain in manipulation: Beware of sellers of illusions devoid of any general interest

Maurice k. ZONGO