Burkina Faso: A look back at President Ibrahim Traoré’s achievements since coming to power

Since taking office in 2022, President Ibrahim Traoré has led Burkina Faso through a series of transformative reforms and initiatives, reshaping the country across various sectors and restoring a sense of dignity and pride among its people despite ongoing security challenges.


Political overhaul and sovereignty


In the realm of politics, President Traoré has dismantled long-standing corrupt practices that had turned Burkina Faso into a playground for imperialist interests.

By severing ties with toxic partnerships, the Burkinabe people have reclaimed their sovereignty.

This decisive move has been pivotal in navigating the country through its security challenges, allowing the nation to stand independently and confidently on the global stage.

Enhanced security and military investment

On the security front, the MPSR (Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration) has made significant investments in military equipment and the training of armed forces and security services to better counter terrorist threats.


These efforts have borne fruit, with displaced populations now returning to areas previously abandoned due to terrorist threats.


The dedication of the FDS (Defence and Security Forces) and VDP (Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland), under President Traoré’s leadership, has been instrumental in this progress.

The credit for containing the terror threats, often exacerbated by external influences, largely goes to the MPSR.


Economic revival and industrial growth

Economically, under President Traoré’s guidance, Burkina Faso has ascended to become the fourth-largest economy in the CFA zone by 2024.


This achievement is a direct result of extensive reforms across multiple economic sectors.



Key initiatives include the construction of a tomato processing plant in Bobo-Dioulasso, the establishment of a military uniform manufacturing industry leveraging Burkinabe cotton, and the construction of a gold refinery supported by reforms in the mining code.


These developments have positioned Burkina Faso as a burgeoning economic force, attracting considerable interest and investment.

Diplomatic engagement and new alliances


In diplomacy, Burkina Faso has flourished, largely due to the efforts of former Foreign Minister Olivia Rouamba.


The country has forged new alliances with nations such as Russia, Iran, and Turkey, following a strategic disengagement from France and other former colonial powers.


The creation of the Alliance of Sahel States exemplifies President Traoré’s relentless diplomatic endeavors, marking a new chapter in regional cooperation and solidarity.


Healthcare improvements and accessibility


In public health, the government has invested heavily in building and renovating health centers, significantly increasing access to quality healthcare for both urban and rural populations.


Recently, President Traoré presented the Ministry of Health with an array of medical supplies, including 15 mobile clinics, 12 station wagons, 11 pickup trucks, 13 refrigerated pickup trucks, 1,900 solar-powered refrigerators, 110 electric freezers, 14 generators, 11 cold rooms, and 835 tablets.


These initiatives have made healthcare more affordable and accessible for the average Burkinabe citizen.


Administrative reforms and anti-corruption measures


Addressing the broader administration, President Traoré has tackled deeply entrenched issues such as absenteeism, poor service, overbilling, mismanagement, and corruption.


The recent establishment of the Commission for the Regulation of Dysfunctions (CRD) is a testament to his commitment to rooting out these vices and improving administrative efficiency.


Since his ascent to power, President Ibrahim Traoré has undertaken significant reforms and initiatives that are beginning to bear fruit across various sectors.


His actions in politics, security, diplomacy, the economy, healthcare, and administration have strengthened the stability, prosperity, and well-being of the Burkinabe people.


These results highlight his dedication to steering Burkina Faso toward a brighter future.


Olivier TOE