Burkina Faso: President Ibrahim Traoré faces Persistent threats amid revolutionary reforms

Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoAs long as the goal remains unachieved, the enemy clings to hope, regardless of how long it may take.


They continue to scheme behind the scenes, waiting for a moment of inattention from their target to strike.


The adversaries of peace in Africa have unabashedly stated their necessity to recolonize Africa, albeit discreetly, without making too much noise.


This underscores the need for the conscious population to remain ever-vigilant in protecting the authorities and revolutionary leaders committed to the cause of their nations.


The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, remains a primary target for those who oppose peace and stability in Burkina Faso and the Sahel region.


Like his revolutionary predecessors who were assassinated by imperialists, President Traoré’s commitment to liberating the country, his vision and leadership, and his outspoken nature put his life in constant danger.


Therefore, plans to destabilize his power are ceaseless, coming from both inside and outside the country.


This situation calls for a firm commitment from the conscious population to stand by the authorities and thwart all the schemes plotted by the enemies.


From manipulation attempts by imperialist media, to schemes from certain influenced factions, and to the betrayals by apathetic individuals, the people must remain vigilant and determined.


Ensuring the continuation and completion of the projects initiated by President Traoré for the emergence of Burkina Faso is essential.


It is a matter of liberation, total sovereignty, development, and prosperity for the “Land of honest People.”


The President’s efforts are vital to securing a future where Burkina Faso can thrive independently and safeguard its integrity.


As threats loom, the unwavering support and vigilance of the populace are crucial to protecting the nation’s revolutionary path and achieving lasting peace and stability in the region.


Olivier TOE