Burkina Faso: Deportation of two French citizens accused of “espionage”

In the Land of Honest Men, the Burkina Information Agency (AIB) reports that two French citizens who were apprehended for “espionage activities”, are expelled from Burkinabe territory on the night of Saturday 17 to Sunday 18 December 2022. These French nationals are accused of having been too interested in the activities of the Defence and Security Forces (FDS).

In an atmosphere where relations between France and Burkina Faso have deteriorated somewhat since September 30, suspicions of espionage on the part of French soldiers have deepened the diplomatic quarrel.They approached several soldiers and asked many questions about their exits and entrances, training sites, equipment… This is what aroused suspicions,” said one source after several others confirmed the information.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was seized Saturday, December 17 by the Consulate General of France in Ouagadougou through a note verbale that demanded to know the real date and the reasons for their arrest and their arrest and their place of detention.

But the response of the Burkinabe authorities through the Department of Foreign Affairs was the outright expulsion of French nationals from the country.

It seems that this is not the first time that the France has been accused of “spying on the army”.

In November 2019, the General Staff of the Armed Forces complained about the overflight of its territory by French military aircraft and “unidentified aircraft” over bases and areas of operation of the Burkinabe army.

At the time, soldiers were ordered to “consider them enemies and treat them as such.”

Miss OLY