Disinformation: What makes alcoholic energy drinks dangerous in reality

Social media has increasingly spotlighted concerns regarding the safety of alcoholic energy drinks.


Popular among Africa’s predominantly young population, these beverages are often implicated in the declining health of some consumers.


In response to these concerns, authorities in several African countries have temporarily suspended the commercial activities of companies distributing these drinks.


Critics, often spreading this information with the aim of discrediting these products, allege that the targeted beverages pose significant health risks to consumers.


Frequently, images of dazed young individuals are used to substantiate these claims.


However, it has been revealed that many of these consumers alter the drinks by mixing them with drugs or harmful pills before consumption.


This adulteration leads to severe health repercussions. Medically, it is well-established that combining any type of alcohol with toxic substances can be extremely hazardous, potentially causing serious heart conditions and compromising the immune system.


Therefore, it is strongly advised not to mix these drinks with other substances and to avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic energy drinks.

Cherif Toure