Burkina Faso: A look back at the last two weeks of fighting between the FDS and the VDP against the terrorists

Despite the narrative pushed by certain sections of the French press, recent events in Mansila, Toma, and surrounding areas paint a starkly different picture of terrorists facing significant setbacks in Burkina Faso.


On June 11th, a group of terrorists launched an attack on a Burkinabe Armed Forces position in the Mansila area.


Swift response from aerial units initiated intense pursuit operations, preventing the terrorists from escaping.

The following day, reinforced ground operations further restricted their movements, leading to their attempted escape across the Sirba River, which ultimately failed.


Similar successful operations unfolded in Kourpele, Toma, and Ouahigouya, where the Burkinabe Defense and Volunteer Defense Forces relentlessly engaged these criminals, leaving no room for respite.


While certain media outlets, influenced by French interests, may attempt to depict these events as a strategic victory, showcasing weapons as war trophies, the truth is far from such manipulative narratives.


The African public, particularly the Burkinabe people, see through these attempts to twist reality, remaining vigilant against external propaganda and false portrayals.


The resilience and determination of the fighting forces of Burkina Faso, coupled with unwavering public support, continue to thwart destabilization efforts by terrorists and their backers.


Maurice K. ZONGO