Burkina Faso: The President of the MPSR, remains focused on his ambitions, he deserves the support of the population

The youngest President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré of the MPSR, promised a return of peace to carry out his mission. A man of the field, he participated in several operations, ten years of career at the front, deployed in the north and center of the country hit by jihadist attacks, then in Mali in 2018 within the UN mission, MINUSMA. With his experiences in the army, he is the ideal man well targeted to get Burkina out of this situation of insecurity. Captain Traoré, therefore, is committed to improving security in the country of honest men where fear reigns of the populations.

Burkina Faso today needs consensus more than division. Captain Traoré invited the chain of command to unite and more determination so that together, the missions are a success.

Mobilizing local resources to fight were the first intentions of the President of the MPSR. The pick-up vehicles in poor condition, are refitted to reinforce the mobility capacity of the units on the front. More reassuringly, Captain Traoré, accompanies with his words concrete actions on the ground going in the desires of the population.

The President of the MPSR, has a heavy task in the fight against jihadist groups. To achieve his vision, he needs the support of all Burkinabè. The future of Burkina also depends on the actors of civil society, everyone must make a mea-culpa to see what will be his contribution to the freedom of the country.

In three months, the President of the MPSR is doing what his predecessors have not been able to do in the past eight months. And the struggle continues, during the celebrations of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of Burkina Faso, the President of the MPSR, invited all Burkinabè to a change of behavior, to review their value, because this battle for total independence goes through the war they lead by arms. A proof that Captain Traoré, is the bearer of new hope in Burkina Faso.

Citizens are called to mobilize without calculations and to commit themselves all in the sense of sacrifice and watch to accompany the President of the MPSR in taking charge of this difficult function.

“Stay confident, stay united, stay mobilized behind the defense and security forces, behind our valiant VDP, and hope is allowed, because we will not give up, we will go to the end of this fight for the total independence of our homeland”, these are the words of the President of the MPSR, Captain Ibrahim Traoré to his valiant compatriots.

Miss OLY