DRC: High-level meeting on strategic raw materials begins in Lubumbashi

A pivotal meeting in Lubumbashi, is beginning on  June 12th, 2024, with the participation of Team Europe. The aim is to boost European investment and advance the strategic partnership between the EU and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in critical and strategic raw material value chains.

The theme “Unlocking Potential: Private Sector Engagement and European Investment in Sustainable Value Chains for Critical and Strategic Raw Materials” underscores the efforts to support private sector engagement amid challenges and opportunities, with a focus on project sustainability and responsible business practices.

The European delegation comprises ambassadors from the EU, Belgium, Italy, and Sweden, alongside the head of the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) regional representation for Central Africa.

Additionally, forty European companies will showcase their expertise and gain insights into the business environment in the DRC.

The DRC Mining Week presents a significant opportunity to engage with economic stakeholders and Congolese authorities on implementing the strategic partnership established in Brussels in October 2023.

“Since signing the memorandum of understanding, we’ve developed a comprehensive roadmap with cooperation and investment projects to establish a local value chain and enhance direct sourcing opportunities in the DRC for European industries. With the new government in office, we’re optimistic about discussing and finalizing this roadmap soon,” stated Nicolas Berlanga, the EU Ambassador to the DRC.

The agenda includes discussions on energy, investment climate, and the development of national and regional infrastructure.

See also: DRC: 23rd Extraordinary Summit of the EAC, President Félix Tshisekedi preferred not to attend

Maurice K. ZONGO