Burkina Faso/Food self-sufficiency: Things are gradually becoming clearer in the agricultural sector

In Burkina Faso, the 2024 agricultural season brings a notable commitment from authorities to bolster farmers’ efforts. Under the “Pastoral Offensive” presidential initiative, the state is extending support through equipment, inputs, and improved seeds.

Currently, state-funded tractors are en route to various regions, including Boucle du Mouhoun, High Basins, Cascades, Southwest, Center-East, and Center-West.

These tractors will be deployed to plow farmers’ lands free of charge, marking the initial phase of a broader plan to deploy 400 tractors spearheaded by President Traoré.

Simultaneously, the Burkinabe government is supplying essential inputs. This includes 68,964 tons of fertilizer, 10,000 liters of phytosanitary products, 18,000 tons of plant seeds, and 2,300 tons of forage seeds, all provided to agricultural stakeholders earlier in May.

This comprehensive strategy aims to significantly boost agricultural productivity, ensuring food security and meeting the nutritional needs of Burkina Faso’s population.

Moreover, it seeks to stimulate the country’s economy and foster economic empowerment among agricultural producers.

Maurice K.ZONGO