DRC: War in North Kivu, the FARDC announce the reconquest of eight localities

Tensions are escalating in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo as the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) intensify their operations against the M23 rebels. The Congolese Armed Forces continue their efforts to reclaim territory by launching offensives against M23 terrorists, who are believed to be supported by the Rwandan army, in North Kivu.

For about a week now, the situation has taken a different turn in the eastern part of the country.

Offensives are underway for the imminent conquest of Masisi and Rutshuru.

On Wednesday morning, the army announced the reconquest of eight (8) localities after fierce clashes that caused chaos among the enemy ranks.

According to Colonel Guillaume Ndjike, spokesperson for the FARDC in North Kivu, these localities include Bweru, Bihambwe, Mema, Kaniro, Kavumu, Kasake, Kashovi, and Bitonga.

The FARDC spokesperson emphasizes that the armed forces have been on the offensive since early Wednesday morning, and military operations are ongoing on multiple frontlines.

Lately, the army has been more assertive on the battlefield against M23 rebels. On Tuesday,a intense fighting took place in Runigi, about 10 km from the mining town of Rubaya in Masisi.

These offensives were launched after the Congolese army reclaimed the village of Kisuma. According to several sources, the Congolese forces, supported by young Wazalendo resistance fighters, are advancing towards the strategic city of Rubaya.

The M23 rebels, in a defensive position, have been pushed back and are enduring heavy bombardments.

 Despite their attempts to counterattack by launching bombs towards the Rwindi valley, for example, from the local aerodrome, loyalist forces are maintaining pressure.

Meanwhile, the Military Governor of North Kivu, General Peter Cirimwami, is on a mission in certain localities near the war-torn areas to assess the number of displaced persons in the region.

Neil Camara